Category: group highlights
New preprint on reconstructing neutrinoless double beta decay event kinematics
If neutrinoless double beta decay is discovered, how can we understand the lepton number violating physics responsible for it? Have a look at this NEXT Collaboration preprint led by our group that has appeared today on arXiv!
ERC Starting Grant awarded to Ander Simon
Ander Simon has been awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for his proposal on “Conical liquid noble gas apparatus for neutrino physics”. Congratulations, Ander! The project has received funding for 1.7 MEUR and will officially start at IFIC on September 2025, for a duration of 5 years.
NEXT-100 assembly completed
The assembly of the NEXT-100 detector is complete! Presently, the detector is working at low pressure to test and calibrate the instrumentation. NEXT-100 employs 60 photomultipliers in the energy plane, compared to the 12 PMTs used in its predecessor, NEXT-White. The tracking plane is made up of 3584 SiPMs (1792 in NEXT-White) meant to provide the…