Category: science highlights
New preprint on reconstructing neutrinoless double beta decay event kinematics
If neutrinoless double beta decay is discovered, how can we understand the lepton number violating physics responsible for it? Have a look at this NEXT Collaboration preprint led by our group that has appeared today on arXiv!
DUNE Phase II White Paper on arXiv
The DUNE Phase II white paper has appeared on arXiv today! DUNE Phase II will consist of a third and fourth far detector module, an upgraded near detector complex, and an enhanced >2 MW beam. The white paper highlights the increased science opportunities offered by the DUNE Phase II near and far detectors. It also…
NEXT-100 assembly completed
The assembly of the NEXT-100 detector is complete! Presently, the detector is working at low pressure to test and calibrate the instrumentation. NEXT-100 employs 60 photomultipliers in the energy plane, compared to the 12 PMTs used in its predecessor, NEXT-White. The tracking plane is made up of 3584 SiPMs (1792 in NEXT-White) meant to provide the…
DUNE caverns completed
The excavation of the caverns that will house the gigantic particle detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in Lead, South Dakota, is complete. Final outfitting of the colossal caverns will begin soon and make way for the start of the installation of the DUNE detectors later this year.